What is Plate Current (PC) and why do we show this on some of our valves/tubes?
Plate current There are 3 main parts to valves. (1) The Plate, (2) The Grid and (3) The Cathode. (Pentode valves have an additional 2 elements, but that is out of the scope of this article). The Grid is what controls the flow of current through the valve, much like the handle on a kitchen tap controls the flow of water. The Plate current is a measure of how much current fl... Read more
Which power supply do I need?
In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different power supplies you can buy for your pedals. We will cover the following types of power supply: Batteries Wall wart Hub power supply Individual power supply Individual isolated power supply Batteries Advanta... Read more
How To Travel On A Plane With A Guitar - Myths and Tips
So around 20 years ago, I was working with Craig Upfold, one of Australia's renowned luthiers. And he told me a story during our travels and factory visits, about the time when he was working with Daniel Johns. This was when Silverchair were just starting out, when they first had a few hits, and Daniel Johns was flying to gigs in America and other parts of the world. He came back to Craig and h... Read more
P-Bass vs J-Bass
This is probably one of the most talked about dilemmas and one of the most debated on. No, it is not whether to use your fingers or a pick on bass. It is “ which type of bass should you buy? ” For pro players and longtim... Read more
Common Mistakes That Guitar Players Make
In this article, I will be discussing some common mistakes that a lot of guitar players do not realise is hurting their playing. By being mindful of these, you can be sure not only to learn properly but also ensure that you will have fun and making progress! “Practice Makes Perfect” We have all heard this cliché before, and it applies to no one more t... Read more
Guitar Pots: What They Are and Knowing How They Work
Discussing potentiometers or better known as pots can be quite confusing to a lot of people, including experienced musicians. What pots should I use for my volume and tone knob? Is a 500k pot better than a... Read more
Hard Case or Gig Bag?
This is a tough choice, both hard cases and soft gig bags have their Pros and Cons. Cases can be more expensive but offer superior protection when compared with a bag, although a bag is generally much easier to transport and usually cheaper. One thing we can agree on is that every guitarist should have at least one gig bag or hard case for transporting their instrument. ... Read more
Choose the Pickup that's right for you
Here's a great video tool from Reverb on how to choose the pickup to best suit you and your playing style. Unfortunately, youtube broke the feature built into this video of having clickable sections, however, in the video description there are links to each type, and we've copied the time-stamps below for reference. ... Read more
Where to find the best online guitar lessons
We have had a lot of people asking us where to find the best online guitar lessons and learning materials. There is so much available online it can sometimes be difficult to sift through the dirt to find the gold. Here are a few site... Read more
How To Choose The Correct Body Size for an Acoustic Guitar
Body size can be confusing but here is a simple guide to help you choose. This chart works for solid top and solid wood guitars, for basic level Do you want Volume, Bass, Clarity, or a small size ? ... Read more
Hot-rodding my stock Artist Guitar! What does this mean?
Greetings all, Artist LP60 with Semour Duncan Pickups and a Bigsby... Read more
How to choose a guitar is a bit like choosing which tool to use
Choosing which guitar to buy can be a confusing process. We recently built a site for beginners to help them choose the guitar that suits them best. The site is This is a subject that can confuse people and I have been thinking about ways to explain this so its easier to understand.... Read more
Pickups... what's what and what for...
It’s time to read up on the heart and soul of all guitars... the pickups. This is topic that I am most passionate about. I have tried almost all of them over my 20 years in the industry, so here is some info to get you started on your pickup journey and how you can improve the guitar to currently own. ... Read more
Redeeming your Player Points
Here's how to redeem your Player Points. When you buy any items directly from our website you gain Player Points as a reward. It's our way of saying thank you. These points then go towards your next purchase, giving you discounts on everything you buy. Player Points are not allocated when placing an order through any channel other than ou... Read more
How to work out what is the best Adaptor for your pedals
This is a subject that we find confuses a lot of people. So here is how to work out the best supply for you. Power supplies have changed over the years and the power supplies you can buy today are much better than what you could buy in the past. Now all pedals sold in Australia have to meet efficiency requirements and that means that they are all generally digital supplies (digit... Read more
Things You Should NOT Worry About When Buying a Guitar
I have noticed, over my 20 years of experience, how people approach buying guitars and what they tend to stress about. Here I will address a few common problems, and what is and what is not worth worrying about when buying a new guitar. String action- the height of the strings from the fretboard This is the most common complaint people make when trying out a guitar,... Read more
The 5 most common causes of strings breaking
This is a topic that can be quite confusing for a lot of people. Strings break for a number of reasons, but if you have some of the reasons it will make it much easier for you to avoid string breakage 1. Playing Too Hard When I first started playing guitar I used to break a lot of strings, but I noticed recently that even though I play guitar everyday I rarely break a stri... Read more
Why playing-in a guitar will make it sound better
I noticed a very curious thing in our showroom over the years. When someone would try a guitar on display they would often choose the guitar that had been hanging on the wall over a new guitar, fresh out of the box. That got me to thinking, what made the same guitar on the wall sound better than the guitar in the box? Now, this answer mainly applies to solid-top and s... Read more
Will TRS cables solve the buzzing noises in my studio ?
Here is a recent question from one of our customers Q: I want to buy some of your TT10 TRS cables, are these the right cables for my studio monitors to run to my Mbox? The ones I have make annoying buzzing sounds. I really need balanced c... Read more
How to set your guitar up for Nashville High Strung Tuning
This is a subject that is a little left of center and many of you would not of heard of this before. Nashville high strung tuning is basically the process of taking the higher strings only out of a 12 string set. So if you think of a standard 12 string it looks like this From 6th to 1st Low E Octave E A Octave A ... Read more
How to setup your mandolin
The 4 steps to setup a mandolin are - 1. Tune your Mandolin (we have tuning charts here ) 2. Adjust the action height at the 12th fret to 1.9-2.1mm (Its best to use a steel ruler that has a zero point for this) 3. Play the 12th fret harmonic, then lightly fret the 12th fret note, if... Read more
Setting up your intonation on an Electric Guitar
There are a couple of secrets to correct intonation on an Electric guitar Before you adjust your intonation, make sure you do the following 3 steps: 1. Install fresh strings! Older strings will not intonate as well as new strings. It's best to use fresh strings that have been recently installed and stretched 2.... Read more
Straightening your Electric or Acoustic Guitar neck for better playability
Being a wooden instrument you will experience some movement in the neck from time to time, particularly between seasons. This is completely normal and easy to remedy if you know how. It's important to note that over-tightening or loosening (our guitars have a 2-way truss rod) can result in damage to the guitar. If you work in sm... Read more
Cello Sizing Guide - How to choose the correct size cello
We thought we would make a little chart showing you how to check which size cello is correct for your child To chose the cello size based on your child's height 1/8 to 1/4 size - below 4 feet 1/2 size - 4 to 4 1/2 feet 3/4 size - 4 1/2 to 5 feet 4/4 size - 5 feet and above... Read more