Artist Beginner's Lesson Program

Congratulations on purchasing your New Artist Guitar!

As an addition to buying your new guitar, We are proud to offer you a series of online lessons designed specifically for beginning guitar students. This series of lessons was designed inhouse, to give you the best start to your musical career. This is what this lesson pack is all about - the stuff that nobody really tells you at the start of your guitar playing journey. Issues like holding the guitar, using a plectrum and some simple exercises to start you off.

So whether you're 7 or 70, take some time to check out the lesson pack and most importantly - be patient and have fun! Note that you would need to be logged into your Artist Guitar's account and you would have to subscribe to our Newsletter first to receive the link to the lesson program. You can UNSUBSCRIBE as soon as you get the link.

Please check out our Support Materials For even more information.

Check Out the Program Below! 


Episode 1: The Parts of A Guitar Episode 2: How To Hold The Guitar  Episode 3: How To Hold A Plectrum
Episode 4: How To Tune Your Guitar Episode 5: Finger Exercises Part 1  Episode 6: Finger Exercises Part 2
Episode 7: Finger Exercises Part 3 Episode 8: Finger Exercises Part 4 Episode 9: Learning How To Strum
Episode 10: Picking Down and Up Episode 11: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star